WKU discontinues community recycling bins

Cassady Lamb

The community recycling bins scattered around WKU’s campus have been ‘temporarily discontinued,’ WKU recycling said Friday in an Instagram post.

This discontinuation trails two months behind Warren County’s decision to cancel all recycling pick-up services starting March 31. WKU’s recycling bins were popular among Warren County residents, especially after the announcement of pickup cancellation.

The WKU Recycling website has now marked the ‘Community Recycling’ portion ‘Temporarily Unavailable.’


As of Tuesday morning there is not a disclosed reason for why the bins were discontinued to the public.

“We apologize for the inconvenience and for the lack of communication behind this decision,” the Instagram post stated.

The Habitat for Humanity tin can recycling bin is still available for community use. Recycling will still be available for WKU students living on campus or moving out this week.

News reporter Cassady Lamb can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter at @lambp0p.