Delta Zeta breaks ground on chapter house

Amelia Hicks

The Delta Zeta sorority broke ground this morning on its new chapter house. The house, located on Chestnut Street behind EST, will hold 17 girls and accomodate a parking spot for each resident, said Kelly Geoghegan of GNP Properties, owner of the lot.

The groundbreaking ceremony kicked off with a speech from chapter president and Glasgow senior Megan Mesker.

โ€œThe house is the start of a new chapter for this chapter,โ€ Mesker said.


New and active members stood alongside each other as alumni and founding members shoveled the symbolic dirt while wearing pink hard hats.

โ€œI hope this house will be a place of sisterhood,โ€ said Union senior and founding member Kelsey Humpert. โ€œThere will be an actual home instead of just a room in DSU.โ€

Delta Zeta currently houses all of their chapter events and meetings in the Downing Student Union. New member and Louisville freshman Abby Brown expressed her excitement for a new start for the sorority.

โ€œItโ€™s cool to be a part of the beginning,โ€ Brown said.

Construction will begin this month with demolition of the current structure. The new house will be completed in August of next year, according to Geoghan.

Geoghan also owns the Alpha Xi Delta chapter house neighboring the Delta Zeta site. The sorority has been searching for a location for a home since its establishment on campus in 2015, Geoghan said.

GNP Properties recently purchased the Lambda Chi fraternity parking lot in order to allot space for parking, Geoghan said. Members of Alpha Xi Delta will be allowed to park in the former Lambda Chi parking lot while the Delta Zeta house is being built.

โ€œDelta Zeta will become a permanent organization on campus for a lifetime,โ€ Mesker said.

Reporter Amelia Hicks can be reached at 270-745-6011 and Follow Amelia on Twitter at @ameliahicks852.