Departments lose funding to Judicial Council ruling

Marcel Mayo

The Student Government Association Judicial Council ruled two bills SGA had previously passed unconstitutional.

The Judicial Council deemed Bill 8-15-F, Bill to Assist the Physics Department,  and Bill 9-15-F, Bill to Assist the Art Department, unconstitutional.

According to Bylaw 6.1 on funding restrictions, “the Student Government Association may allocate funds solely to students. All students may be required to finance a portion of their expenses by supplementary income.”

SGA President Jay Todd Richey said SGA still wants to help but cannot under the constitution’s bylaws.

SGA usually awards $500 from organizational aid funding to any organizations on campus that might need monetary help.

“The Judicial Council determined that departments could not be the recipient of funding; only students could be,” Richey said. “The Student Government Association, under their ruling, cannot give funding to a department.”

Chief Justice Kelsey Luttrell said funding from SGA is primarily for students. 

“Whenever we give money to departments, then it’s [to] faculty and staff and students that are benefiting from that money,” said Luttrell.

However, Luttrell said the Judicial Council discussed different possibilities for students to receive some funding from these departments.

“That’s something we discussed as well because we realized these people are under the impression they’re going to receive this money,” she said.

Luttrell said Bill 8-15-F specifically said funds will be given to the physics department, so the Judicial Council doesn’t see much wiggle room for amending that bill.

However, Bill 9-15-F said the student group League of Sculptures was interested in matching SGA’s funds.

The Judicial Council is encouraging the group to apply for $500 of organizational aid funding from SGA. In that case, the students would not lose funding completely.