6 albums that you’ll want to listen to throughout spring

There’s no better way to ring in the spring season than to make that perfect playlist that you’ll be bumping until summertime.

So get your new playlist name ready, here’s 6 picks for the best albums to listen to in the springtime.



Smiling With No Teeth – Genesis Owusu

Genesis Owusu is a name that not many people have heard. Yet.

The singer/songwriter’s debut album “Smiling With No Teeth” is a conceptual journey where you join Owusu at his side while he shakes off the “black dog,” a metaphor for depression that comes up in the album frequently.

The album itself is groovy, with Owusu proving himself in various genres of music whether it be pop, hip-hop, r&b, and jazz.

This album feels like a shake-off of the daunting seasonal depression that builds up in winter, making it a freeing and danceable transition into the spring. 


Graduation – Kanye West

This one is for those of you getting your degrees at the end of this semester.

Kanye’s “Graduation” was a statement for the multi-platinum rapper, marking a transition in his career which has become very apparent in the 14 years after its release.

This album is full of classic Kanye tropes, with soul inspired beats, witty verses and an absurd amount of head-bumping tracks.

I hope all of the WKU graduates this semester will be reminded of the wise words of Kanye as they walk across that stage:

“This is my dissertation, homie this s**t is basic, welcome to graduation.”


Next Thing – Frankie Cosmos

Frankie Cosmos has a way with writing simple, to the point songs, which manage to get stuck in your head for days.

The indie soft-rock artist delivers on “Next Thing”, with 15 calming, poppy, and catchy tracks, which leave you intrigued after the album comes to a close.

Some of Cosmos’s lyrics are so entertaining to the point where it feels like she’s saying whatever comes to mind. Take the opening lyrics of “If I Had a Dog” for example.


“If I had a dog, I’d take a picture every day. Am I still so sad? Is that pretty lame?”

Nonetheless, her music is a simplified form of genius, and it matches the vibe of spring perfectly.


Random Access Memories – Daft Punk

Everybody’s favorite French robots broke up at the start of this year, and middle school Shane would be unbelievably pissed if I didn’t include “Random Access Memories”.

Everyone has heard “Get Lucky” but not everyone has listened to this album in its entirety.

Let me keep this brief, it’s phenomenal, full of bangers and makes you want to dance.

That’s all you need to know, and that’s also all you’ll need to get you through the spring.


Aerie – John Denver

Most John Denver albums would fit on a list like this, but I believe that Aerie holds a special place for those who love springtime walks or picnics at the park.

Denver is so soothing that anytime I put on his music in my dorm room, my roommate undoubtedly will fall asleep.

This album also has the song “Blow up Your TV” on it, which if you haven’t heard it before, you must listen to immediately.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you changed your major to agriculture afterwards.


The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill – Ms. Lauryn Hill

The expression “save the best for last” exists for a reason.

Lauryn Hill is the greatest female musician of all time, and my mind will never be changed on that matter.

“The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill” is full of love, introspection, and heartbreak, and continuously administers dopamine straight to the listeners brain.


This album can’t be spoken for, and I’m sure you understand what I mean by that if you’ve ever listened to it.

So if you haven’t yet, give it a chance. I’ll join you when I inevitably see you dancing across centennial mall with your earbuds in.

Shane Stryker can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @shanestryker.