WKU participating in National Coming Out Day

Melissa Hardesty

Student Identity Outreach, WKU’s campus chapter of

LGBQTI, will on Tuesday participate in National Coming Out Day.

This year is the WKU chapter’s fourth year

participating in the event, which began nationally in 1987 as the

March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, according to the

Human Rights Campaign website. 

From 2-4 p.m. there will be a table set up in the

Downing University Center lobby with information about coming out,

community resources and other issues involving the LGBQTI


If a student can’t make it to the table, there are

other ways to get information and get involved in the organization.

Student Identity Outreach meets every Monday night in the Tate Page

Hall’s auditorium. 

The organization is active on campus and gives

students “opportunities for both social and educational

experiences,” said staff counselor Eric Manley. There are around 40

to 50 students who are involved on a regular basis. 

Manley said that faculty and students have been very

supportive and helpful to the group, making WKU a “much more

welcoming place for its LGBTQI students.”