Z is for Zumba Instructor: Instructor teaches mix of Latin dance, aerobics

Rebecca Barnett

Hips in a line move quickly from side to side to the beat of the music.  

Left foot out, right foot out.


Feet together.

Jump, jump!

Throw in a couple of fist pumps and arm waves, and you haven’t even covered half of the movements in a Zumba class.

Zumba is a mixture of cardiovascular exercise, Latin dance and aerobics, and is taught at Preston Center.  

The class is fast-paced, but has some slower-beat songs in the mix to add some variety.

Bowling Green resident Jacquelyn Cline, 22, teaches the class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and said she fell in love with Zumba immediately after trying it.  

“You don’t feel like you’re working out because you’re having so much fun, and that’s the best way to work out,” Cline said.


Nashville senior Christopher Ramsey said he hates exercising. 

“So I found something that was entertaining, and didn’t feel like I was just exercising.”  

Now, Ramsey said he attends the Zumba classes at Preston Center all five days a week that the classes are offered.  

Owensboro sophomore Kelly Simmons said she attends Zumba classes with her Alpha Omicron Pi sorority sisters.

“It’s bonding time for us, and just a great way for us to get to know each other,” she said.

Ramsey said he likes that the Zumba classes are upbeat.

“Both instructors make it really fun,” Ramsey said. “They’re always smiling, they’re always upbeat, they’re always getting everybody involved in it, it’s really hard just to drag through it, even though sometimes they work you pretty hard.”

Even sometimes being one of the only, if not the only, males in the class doesn’t deter Ramsey from attending.  


“You know, some people ask why I’m the only guy in here or whatever, and I just tell them, because I’m the only guy smart enough to show up to a class of 40 girls,” he said.