Constitution Week wraps up

Memphis, Tenn. senior Kelsi Pilcher hugs Political Science Department Head Saundra Ardrey during the department’s Constitution Day 2010 celebration outside Grise Hall on Friday, Sept. 17, 2010. LUKE SHARRETT/HERALD

Ryan Appel

Today the campus community celebrated the 223rd birthday of the Constitution and the conclusion of Constitution Week.

Students gathered outside of Grise Hall for the Constitution Week Birthday Bash, where they listened to music, enjoyed free hot dogs and cupcake and discussed the upcoming midterm election.


Saundra Ardrey, political science department head, was there to encourage students to register to vote and get politically involved.

“We want students to know about the Constitution and their rights they have as a citizen,” she said.

Ardrey described the week as an overall success. She said the events were well-attended, with 50 to 60 students coming out every day interested in learning about the Constitution and becoming politically active.

The College Democrats made one last attempt to recruit for Democratic candidate Jack Conway outside Grise Hall.

The group had campaign signs, buttons and posters. They talked to students as they walked by the lawn.

Kevin Asbery, president of the College Democrats, was excited to show his support for Jack Conway.

“We have influenced a lot of people this week and we had a lot of people registering to vote,” he said.


Asbery also described Constitution Week as an overall success.

Louisville freshman Jake Beyerle was interested in seeing the Democratic perspective on Conway.

Beyerle, a registered Republican, described himself as being a strong conservative and was eager to talk to Ardrey and Asbery.

“I wanted to see what they thought about both candidates,” he said.

Constitution Week events included discussions on the 14th Amendment, environmental racism and other political issues.