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Sponsored Content, Cherry Creative

From time to time, you may find an advertisement or piece of sponsored content on this website or in an issue of our publication. Why? The College Heights Herald is financially independent from WKU, and we must generate revenue to cover of our expenses. Like many media organizations, we turn to advertisements and sponsored content to do so.

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Sponsored content is creative content that appears in our website or publication and is promoted alongside editorial content. Unlike editorial content, however, sponsored content is paid for by a business or organization for promotional purposes. Sponsored content is either submitted by the advertiser or created by Cherry Creative, WKU Student Publications' branded content studio that is separate from the editorial staff in our newsroom.

We’re committed to maintaining our editorial credibility and making sure it is easy for our readers to distinguish ads and sponsored content from editorial content. To that end, any ads or sponsored content will be clearly labeled as such.

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