Beshear confirms second coronavirus-related death, announces closure of all social gatherings including churches

Laurel Deppen

The second coronavirus-related death in Kentucky was confirmed in Gov. Andy Beshear’s nightly update, along with 12 new cases which brings the state total to 47.

The individual, a 64-year-old man from Jefferson County, died on March 13. Beshear said the testing had just recently been confirmed.  

Additionally, the governor confirmed added demographic information for the first case of COVID-19 in Warren County: a 73-year-old male. This was confirmed yesterday.


“We expect to see more cases,” Beshear said. “We’re going to have a little lag in some of the numbers … I get that it seems like we’re having more cases and we are, and that’s expected.”

Additionally, after closing Kentucky restaurants and bars, Beshear announced that alcoholic beverages will now be allowed to be delivered. 

Beshear said all social gatherings must be closed, including government gatherings, festivals and houses of worship and religious services.

“I’m a person of deep faith,” Beshear said. “I’m a deacon in my church. It’s not an easy decision, but it is an absolutely necessary decision.”

Beshear encouraged places of worship to pursue other options such as live streaming and radio services.

The original version of this story said Andy Beshear confirmed a second case of COVID-19 in Warren County. That is incorrect; Beshear instead added demographic information to the previously confirmed case. The Herald regrets the error.

Managing Editor Laurel Deppen can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter at @laurel_deppen.