Students learn the hidden hacks of the Hill

John Singleton

WKU hosted “Hidden Hacks of the Hill” Tuesday, an event dedicated to helping minority student groups on campus familiarize themselves with on-campus resources.

Groups like the Writing Center, the Counseling and Testing Center and the WKU Food Pantry were represented at the event, which took place in Downing Student Union Tuesday morning.

Student Government Association senator Divya Gangavelli took time to speak about some of the “Hidden Hacks” at WKU during the event.


“Most students think that just because they study and eat a well-balanced breakfast, they can ace any test given to them,” Gangavelli said. “This is false.”

Gangavelli said most students just wake up in the morning a few minutes before class starts and skip class on occasion. There is a better way, she said.

Gangavelli spoke of using the bussing system at WKU as another hack. The White Line can take students either around campus, or straight to Campbell Lane. The Red Line buses transport students around main campus or straight to Creason Park. The Purple Line transports students anywhere on campus at night.

Gangavelli also offered “hacks” to avoid walking up the Hill if a student wishes to do so.

“And if you’re feeling a little lazy, you don’t even have to walk up the Hill,” Gangavelli said. “You can walk up to Grise Hall and take the elevator to the fourth floor, and walk across the bridge. You basically elevate to the top of the Hill in time for your next class.”

Reporter John Singleton can be reached at 270-745-6011 and