SAE raises funds for autism program through BeReal partnership

Izzy Lanuza, News reporter

WKU’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter recently teamed up with social media app BeReal to raise funds for WKU students with autism.

According to Dakota Ware, SAE’s social chair, BeReal reached out to the chapter and offered to give $8 for every person it could get to download the app. 

“It’s a fundraiser basically, we have two weeks to get as many new users as possible,” Ware said. 


The chapter decided to donate half of the earnings to the Kelly Autism Program at WKU.

KAP offers assistance to elementary, middle and high school students with autism. KAP also offers its Circle of Support program to degree-seeking WKU students, providing them with private residence hall rooms, study tables, social events, mentoring, weekly advisor meetings and mental health counseling. 

Ware said SAE was able to raise around $400 in the partnership. KAP will receive $200 and the other half of the earnings will be used to pay off fraternity debt.

BeReal is a social media app that sends out a notification each day at a different time, giving its users two minutes to take a picture of what they are doing at that moment and share it with friends. Users are able to post one photo a day in the two-minute time frame.

News reporter Izzy Lanuza can be reached at Follow her on Twitter @izzylanuza.