Personnel changes in School of Media lead to staffing challenges

The School of Media is currently more short staff than it has ever been before with several instructors retiring or resigning from their positions, according to Ron Demarse, interim head of the School of Media.

“We have had several faculty retire and move on to other institutions,” DeMarse said. “One is still in progress, but I can confirm that Dr. Enakshi Roy resigned in the Summer and Dr. Loup Langton retired at the end of the Fall semester.”

DeMarse said that several part-time faculty will be covering classes including Alana Watson, Alex Thomason, Andrea Kneeland, Dorinda Carter, Shane Holinde, Steve White, Deborah Highland and Meagen Cain. Chuck Clark, Clinton Lewis and Corie Martin were later added to cover classes as well.


“Between those two departures and one more surprise departure this spring,” DeMarse said. “We are more short-staffed than the school has ever been before. Fortunately, we have been able to call upon a pool of really talented and experienced part-time faculty to cover our classes this year. ”

Students taking any School of Media classes are not expected to be affected by these staffing changes

“Our students should see little to no effect from these changes,” DeMarse said. “We’ve been scrambling behind the scenes, but we have not had to cancel a single class, and I’m confident that our students will enjoy just as strong an educational experience as they have in the past.”

Debra Murray can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @debramurrayy