Staff Senate discusses a new communication system for staff on campus

Michael Dylan Payne

The Staff Senate met Thursday for their monthly meeting to discuss a new anonymous email system among other issues on the agenda.

Doug Tate, Staff Senate parliamentarian, said the senate has partnered with Custom Insight to create a more efficient system of anonymous communication among staff on campus.

Staff may request to remain anonymous, or they may request a reply in which case they must put in a reply email address according to Tate.


“If you chose not to get a reply, it’s hard for us to communicate,” Tate said. “We get a lot of questions that the Staff Senate doesn’t have the authority to get those answer, so we have to go through the same channels everyone else does to get those answers”

Jennifer Wilson, a member of the senate, reminded people that while anonymous emails have a place, you can also reach out to a member of the Staff Senate or email the Staff Senate’s email address and choose to remain anonymous. Everyone will see it and there will be multiple people seeing the concern.

“More than one set of eyes on the replies are necessary,” Jenifer Wilson said. “There’s more than one person responding back.”

Mike Loftis, Staff Senate president, said the answers to most questions can be found online, you just need to seek out the answer.

“If you really have a concern, just go to the search bar and search it,” Loftis said.

Staff Senate meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at 10 a.m. with the next scheduled meeting to be held Nov. 5.

Michael Dylan Payne can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @mdpayne_.