WKU pulls Medical Center deal, will seek bids

Herald Staff

On Tuesday, WKU pulled its deal with The Medical Center for the Health Sports Medicine Complex following “a lengthy discussion” between the university and the Capital Projects and Bond Oversight committee in Frankfort, according to a WKU official.

“Following a lengthy discussion that centered on concerns outlined in a protest letter from WKONA, WKU officials agreed to issue a Request for Proposals and bid the overall project and all aspects it entails,” Bob Skipper, director of media relations, said in the email. 

WKU will now seek bids for the project through the Request for Proposal process, which will be issued on Monday, Skipper said. 


WKONA, Western Kentucky Orthopedic and Neurological Associates, filed a legal protest last Friday against the deal between WKU and The Medical Center as the Herald previously reported

Skipper’s statement can be read in full here: 

“As part of the normal sequence of approvals necessary to proceed with construction of a privately funded capital project on public university property, WKU officials went before the Capital Projects and Bond Oversight committee in Frankfort today (Tuesday) to seek legislative approval for the Med Center Health Sports Medicine Complex project that was approved by the WKU Board of Regents on August 19, 2016.   
Following a lengthy discussion that centered on concerns outlined in a protest letter from WKONA, WKU officials agreed to issue a Request for Proposals and bid the overall project and all aspects it entails. The committee deferred action until its next meeting in October. WKU officials plan to issue an RFP on Monday inviting bids.”