Richey reelected SGA President; Hart wins EVP

Herald Staff

WKU students elected Jay Todd Richey as SGA President and elected Kate Hart as Executive Vice President in one of the highest turnout elections in the association’s history, with 2,442 voters.

“I’m ecstatic,” Richey said shortly after the results were announced. “It’s a tremendous honor to be elected the first time but a second time is verification of promises kept.”

Richey defeated opponent Braxton Powell with 64 percent of the overall vote.


“It was a well fought race and I had a blast,” Powell said. “I want to continue to support the causes in our campaign.”

Powell was elected as a Junior Senator and his running mate Zach Jones was elected as a Senior Senator.

“After a race, you always feel like you can do more but I don’t think I’ll be devastated by it when I wake up tomorrow,” Jones said.

Look for full results and more from the candidates in Thursday’s edition.