This is How Much Teachers are Paid in Kentucky

The U.S. Constitution does not guarantee the right to an education. Though the federal government has set some academic standards, education policy is set largely at the state and local levels. State governments have authority over public school curriculums, teaching methods, instructional materials, and, in conjunction with local districts, teacher pay.

Without national compensation standards, average salaries for teachers across the country vary considerably. Depending on the state, the average teacher salary varies from as little as $45,300 to more than $85,000. The disparity in average teacher salary is less stark after adjusting for cost of living, yet it is still substantial, with a nearly $25,000 difference between the state with the highest average and the state with the lowest.

Using data on elementary, middle, and high school pay from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 24/7 Wall St. calculated the average teacher salary in each state. Nationwide, the average annual salary for teachers stands at $65,977.


In Kentucky, the average teacher salary is $54,013 per year, or $60,818 when accounting for the stateโ€™s lower than average cost of living. Of all 50 states, Kentucky has the 23rd lowest adjusted average teacher salary. The average salary across all occupations in Kentucky is $46,000, or $51,796 after adjusting for cost of living โ€” 13th lowest among states.

Teacher compensation accounts for a large portion of annual education spending, and partially as a result, the states paying their teachers the least also tend to be those spending less overall on education on a per student basis, and vice versa, though there are some exceptions. In Kentucky, annual per pupil school spending amounts to $11,110 per year compared to the national average of $12,612.

While the relationship between education spending and student performance is complicated, some research suggests that greater spending leads to better outcomes. In Kentucky, the high school graduation rate stands at 87.2%, compared to the 85.3% graduation rate nationwide.

24/7 Wall St. used teacher salary data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statisticsโ€™ May 2020 Occupational Employment Statistics program. The calculation is based on the weighted average annual salary among elementary school teachers, middle school teachers, and secondary school teachers. We weighted the average salaries across the three teacher job types using data on total employment in each of the categories from the BLS May 2020 OES, and then adjusted the average annual salary for cost of living using 2019 regional price parity from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Special education and career or technical education teachers were excluded from the analysis.

Supplemental data on average per-pupil expenditures for public elementary and secondary schools in fiscal 2018 came from the Census Bureauโ€™s 2018 Annual Survey of School System Finances.

Data on the public high school four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate came from the National Center for Education Statistics and is for the 2017-18 school year. The ACGR measures the percentage of public school students who attain a regular high school diploma within four years of starting ninth grade. The cohort is adjusted by adding students who transfer in during those four years and by subtracting students who transfer out. See how each state ranks in teacher pay.


Rank: State: Cost of living adj. avg. teacher salary: Cost of living adj. avg. salary for all occupations: Avg. annual per-pupil school spending: Public high school graduation rate:
1 Connecticut $75,493 $62,178 $20,635 80.8%
2 Massachusetts $75,357 $62,729 $17,058 87.1%
3 Rhode Island $73,410 $59,457 $16,121 85.9%
4 Ohio $72,742 $57,485 $13,027 88.1%
5 New York $72,722 $56,790 $24,040 73.9%
6 Virginia $72,076 $59,378 $12,216 85.1%
7 Alaska $72,019 $58,610 $17,726 90.0%
8 Maryland $71,838 $58,712 $14,762 86.7%
9 Pennsylvania $71,590 $55,569 $16,395 78.7%
10 California $71,347 $54,959 $12,498 89.2%
11 Illinois $71,242 $59,580 $15,741 80.7%
12 Michigan $70,941 $57,501 $12,345 87.8%
13 Oregon $69,748 $55,629 $11,920 81.8%
14 Washington $69,180 $61,253 $12,995 87.5%
15 Nebraska $68,816 $55,537 $12,491 86.4%
16 Delaware $66,879 $57,040 $15,639 88.4%
17 Utah $65,702 $53,230 $7,628 90.0%
18 Georgia $65,586 $55,472 $10,810 86.3%
19 Wyoming $65,016 $54,865 $16,224 89.7%
20 Minnesota $64,767 $59,894 $12,975 80.6%
21 Wisconsin $63,873 $55,401 $12,285 90.2%
22 New Jersey $63,467 $53,500 $20,021 88.8%
23 North Dakota $63,041 $58,062 $13,758 86.3%
24 New Mexico $62,941 $54,069 $9,582 90.9%
25 Iowa $62,487 $54,701 $11,732 88.1%
26 Vermont $62,110 $51,764 $19,340 87.0%
27 Kansas $61,365 $53,860 $11,653 91.4%
28 Kentucky $60,818 $51,796 $11,110 87.2%
29 Indiana $60,184 $54,147 $10,262 86.5%
30 Alabama $59,579 $53,491 $9,696 85.3%
31 Tennessee $59,467 $52,426 $9,544 84.1%
32 Nevada $59,336 $51,669 $9,417 88.7%
33 Texas $59,242 $54,234 $9,606 90.0%
34 Arkansas $58,801 $51,631 $10,139 78.7%
35 Florida $58,675 $49,520 $9,346 68.5%
36 South Carolina $58,024 $50,160 $10,856 84.0%
37 New Hampshire $57,311 $53,043 $16,893 83.2%
38 Louisiana $56,780 $52,082 $11,452 90.3%
39 Missouri $56,494 $55,806 $10,810 84.0%
40 Maine $56,325 $51,579 $14,145 81.4%
41 Colorado $55,595 $59,684 $10,202 83.0%
42 Oklahoma $55,469 $53,400 $8,239 82.1%
43 Idaho $55,442 $50,450 $7,771 84.5%
44 Montana $55,293 $50,343 $11,680 89.2%
45 West Virginia $55,002 $51,234 $11,334 86.7%
46 North Carolina $54,991 $55,244 $9,377 82.3%
47 Hawaii $52,876 $46,959 $15,242 81.6%
48 Mississippi $52,342 $48,090 $8,935 83.2%
49 Arizona $51,181 $55,376 $8,239 78.5%
50 South Dakota $50,840 $50,445 $10,073 81.0%