Dry Clean Only: Experience a new type of fashion therapy

Kae Holloway

In the fashion world, there are two types of therapy (give or take): retail therapy, wherein you spend an indiscriminate amount of money, adding to your wardrobe for upcoming seasons, and seller’s therapy.

Seller’s therapy is a unique experience in its own because it involves letting go of and, well, selling your clothes. Getting to experience that thrill, that pure exhilaration when you have extra money in your pocket is unprecedented. Not to mention, you’ll have room in your closet to indulge in the other, more popular type of therapy: retail. 

Recently, I indulged in a little seller’s therapy. And by indulged, I mean painstakingly pined through my overstuffed closet, pulling out any item of clothing I hadn’t worn in at least the last eight months. I tried each piece on, studied my reflection in them and thought long and hard about turning in the metaphorical towel and shoving the piece of clothing back on that shelf. Suffice it to say, it’s hard for me to let go of my clothes. 


I have held on to sweaters, skirts and dresses for years because I thought maybe, just maybe, I’ll experience some kind of renewed inspiration for that piece of clothing and make it revolutionary. Fun fact, fellow fashionistas: there are very few ways to make a grotesquely oversized, itchy men’s pastel sweater revolutionary. 

I went through a men’s oversized sweater phase all through high school that only Bill Cosby could truly appreciate. We all suffer our fashion faux pas.

Anyway, I stuck with it. I persevered. I passed my collection of sweaters to my younger brother who, like me, is on the cusp of a sweater obsession. I sold a few pieces to friends and am in the process of selling what remains in my “to sell” box at consignment stores and on eBay. It’s been a huge relief. I’m a free woman. 

So I now turn to you, readers. Do you also find yourselves overwhelmed by the masses of fabrics known as your wardrobe? If the answer is yes, then take some time. Seller’s therapy your closet, so to speak. 

Now, unless you’re more financially fortunate than me, you most likely won’t be able to put up those gently used skirts and blouses on Poshmark or TheRealReal, websites that only carry the high-end labels of my dreams.

However, there are several fantastic ways to rid your wardrobe of clothes you don’t want, many of which are right in town. 

Beverly Hills Boutique, a local consignment store right by campus, is a great example of a place to sell your gently used closed, for a little profit. Sellers get a percentage of the profit made from clothes sold that they donated to the Boutique.

If you’re looking to cut out the middle man, though, I suggest opening an eBay account and selling your clothes directly to potential buyers. It’s quick. It’s easy. It’s free. The only headache might be shipping your clothes out, but hey, who can complain when you’re potentially making a bigger profit.

Other alternatives to lighten your wardrobe include Goodwill, the Salvation Army and clothing drives.

Part with your clothes you never wear. Your wardrobe, your wallet and your morals will thank you. And so will your saved items on Asos.