BG Eats: Wheatless deserves a nod from gluten-free consumers

Wheatless, Bowling Green’s newest “allergy-friendly” restaurant, features a Mushroom Swiss burger served on a gluten-free bun from an exclusive bread recipe created by their executive chef. The burger comes with one side dish, such as the crispy and slightly caramelized onion petals with gluten-free breading as prepared on Sunday, January 25, 2015. Wheatless, which has been open for two and a half months, serves a full menu with breakfast all day and is located in Buckhead Square on Campbell Lane.

John Greer

In the midst of a vibrant national health-conscious movement, the clamor for gluten-free products has recently acquired strong momentum. Bowling Green is no exception, but until recently it lacked the resources to fully support this demand. Born out of a desire to fill this void, Wheatless makes a fairly strong case for a satisfying gluten-free restaurant. 

For those who are apprehensive about gluten-free bread (myself included), one bite of Wheatless’ bun on the Mushroom Swiss burger allayed any fears. The restaurant clearly knows what it is doing in this regard. The misleading biscuit-like appearance of the bun gave way to a texture more reminiscent of a crumbly focaccia bread, a pleasant discovery that actually enhanced the burger. 

Somewhat surprisingly, the weakest part of the burger was nestled between the buns. The well-done patty eliminated any food safety concerns, but it lacked juiciness or compelling flavor. The tried-and-true combination of Swiss mushroom and beef was begging for a sauce to meld it all together. It was not a bad burger, but the dryness left it a little wanting.

Wheatless’ ‘onion rings’ were a bit of a misnomer. In reality, they much more closely resembled petals. Don’t let that discrepancy get in the way, though. These charred, slightly caramelized morsels supplied a salty crunch with an unexpectedly sweet depth of flavor. They were good. 

With a rich, alfredo-esque sauce and a sharp, tangy aftertaste, the mac and cheese was a persuasive choice. It was easy to forget that the penne noodles were actually gluten-free. The same could be said with the pumpkin muffins, which were lathered with a sweet white icing and had a tender crumb. 

For those who are gluten intolerant or follow a gluten-free diet, Wheatless fills a much-needed vacancy. And even for those who do not fall under either category, it still merits attention.