Keep finals week chic

Kae Holloway

Ah, here we are. We’ve made it to the end of another semester of sleepless nights, endless papers and awkward advising appointments. The only thing separating us from a blissful summer away from the Hill is finals week — the last dark, sleepless week of exams.

Many use finals week as an excuse to throw their best casual duds into the far reaches of their closet for sports shorts, yoga pants and any other kind of workout clothing or pajama wear imaginable. My advice to you this week is to avoid that cliche like the plague. Finals week doesn’t have to mean sacrificing sleep AND style.

Now, don’t just roll your eyes and ignore me on this. Even the leggings look can be done stylishly enough that I would wear them. Okay, not really, but hey, trying to appeal to an audience here.


Good style during finals week is all about comfort and class. Try wearing some of your lighter sundresses and some slip-on sandals as you trek uphill for that final. Dresses are my favorite way to be comfortable and stay stylish. For one, there are no pants involved. Who actually likes wearing jeans on a hot spring day anyway? Sundresses are easy, breezy and a simple piece to throw on before you walk out the door.

If dresses aren’t your cup of tea, try for skirts and a comfortable tee instead. A big trend in street style this spring has been pairing colorful skirts with graphic tees. The shirt gives the outfit a more casual look, while the skirt adds a fun, playful edge to your band shirt.

If you’re totally opting for the leggings look, just make sure your shirts are long enough. 

Good clothes doesn’t have to translate to full hair and make up. This is where you get your slack.

Opt for messy, tousled hair and no make up for those 8 a.m. finals, or throw your hair back in a neat ponytail and dry shampoo your bangs if an early shower is out of the question.

If you’re not comfortable without make up, go for light blush on the apples of your cheeks, a light swipe of mascara and Chapstick or a nude gloss across the lips.

These hair and make up combos will add to your wardrobe to give you a natural, laid back and stylish look, even in the midst of finals week.

With that, I wrap up my last column of the spring. Until next semester, fashion fiends, may the curves be ever in your favor.

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