DUC renovations planned to start in May 2012

Tessa Duvall

Officials say that renovations to the Downing University Center are still moving forward on schedule and will begin in May of 2012.

Bryan Russell, director of Planning, Design and Construction, said the renovations are currently in the design phase, meaning there will be no building shutdowns during the fall semester.

During the design phase, the committee is still working to make decisions and people who use DUC are giving input as well, Russell said.

Blueprints have yet to be drawn and no plans have been finalized yet.

Student Government Association President Billy Stephens said although renovations are still on schedule, specific details of the plans won’t be released until Sept. 30 at the Board of Regents meeting.

Russell agreed with Stephens, adding that a long of things could change between now and Sept. 30.

However, Russell said other updates have been going on in DUC for some time, including roof work last year and new seats in the auditorium.

Currently, the audio and visual components of the DUC auditorium are being improved, as well as upgrades to stage accessibility, Russell said.

Changes being made at this time will not hinder or be reversed when future renovations take place, he said.